Our Denomination

Our Denomination: The Alliance

How We Started

The Alliance movement began in the 1880s when our founder, Dr. A.B. Simpson, witnessed the physical and spiritual plight of New York City’s homeless, downtrodden, and marginalized populations.

Moved by his great love for Jesus and lost people, Simpson devoted his life to sharing Jesus’ light—in word and deed—with the city and, ultimately, the nations.

Our calling remains unchanged. We are committed to being points of light—sharing good news to the poor, comforting the brokenhearted, proclaiming freedom for the captives and releasing prisoners from darkness—all in Jesus’ Name. We’re a people with an uncompromising drive to go!

Our Mission

In The Alliance, we are all about Jesus, and our mission is to fulfill His final request on this earth—The Great Commission. We also refer to it as the Call. We are people of action. But we know that completing our mission successfully requires a healthy blend of “being” and “doing.”

Our Logo

The Christian and Missionary Alliance symbols of the cross, laver, pitcher and crown represent to us the fullness of Christ’s life to us as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King.

The cross speaks of Christ’s death as the only sacrifice for our sins. To know Christ as Savior, we must admit we have sinned and accept Christ into our heart.

The laver represents sanctification, the cleansing power which Christ will give to every believer who will seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

The pitcher of anointing oil reminds us that Christ provides not only healing for our souls, but also for the afflictions of the mind and body.

The crown symbolizes Christ’s promise to return to earth and reign as King of kings and Lord of Lords.